martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

Ciné Dore - Bringing the old school cinematic magic back

A month or two ago, a friend of mine invites me out to see an Ingmar Bergman film. I am always up for doing things providing time, money and energy permits so thought why not. We met up at the metro station Anton Martin in "El Barrio de las Letras" meaning the Neighbourhood of literature which I think is such a charming name! It's just off Latina and Lavapies in the heart of old Madrid.

The cinema is a delight! Its an old restored cinema from the early part of the 20th century. With beautiful Deco style both inside and outside. Cine Dore specialises in showing films from the Spanish ministery of Culture's archive. They have special themes each month and show about 3 films per day. It is incredibly cheap to get into with tickets only costing 2.50€ per piece with student discounts available and also the option of getting an abono for 20€ for 10 shows!

The actual cinema hall itself is a delight! With balconies, gilded columns, murals and a wonderful stage with a heavy theatrical curtain, you think you are there to see a play rather than going to the movies.

You dont need to be a film lover to appreciate the charm of Cine Dore, they have a wonderful cafe there which is free to enter and is really stylish and delightful! Its one of the few bars in Madrid that is quiet and non-smoking and is ideal to go and work on your latest novel, read a book, study or just hang out for a nice conversation with friends. Whether your poison of choice is wine, beer, coffee or something heavier they have good quality and cheap drinks there. I hightly recommend their coffee by the way!

For more details on the film program and opening hours check out the website (its not fancy and in Spanish but it has all the up to date information there)
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